
First to Test...Still the Best!

Our test is a safe, accurate, and easy alternative for confirming pregnancy in goats, sheep and cattle.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is BioPRYN™?

aBioPRYN™ is a blood pregnancy test for ruminants, and
has specific appeal for the commercial U.S.
dairy industry, because it delivers fast, accurate, safe
and economical pregnancy diagnostic

How does BioPRYN detect pregnancies?

aBioPRYN™ evaluates the blood (more specifically, the serum or plasma) of ruminants for a protein called Pregnancy Specific Protein B (PSPB). PSPB is produced by the placenta, and therefore pregnant animals will have the protein in their blood. This makes the test more accurate than earlier attempts at pregnancy diagnosis that evaluated blood or milk for progesterone or other hormones that can occur in normally cycling animals. The test uses enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technology for processing, which contributes to its low cost and fast turn-around.

How early in a pregnancy can animals be tested with BioPRYN™?

aLHeifers and lactating cows can be tested at 28 days or later. Lactating cows have residual PSPB from the previous pregnancy until 73 days after calving. To be safe in not getting a false-positive result, breeders are cautioned to take the sample at 28 days or more after breeding, and 73 days or more after calving. Thus if a cow is bred at 45 days after calving, it is appropriate to take the 28 days post-breeding sample, which is 73 days after calving. Animals that are detected open can then be immediately returned to aggressive breeding programs using Lutalyse®, OvSynch® and/or CIDRs™.

What is the accuracy of BioPRYN™?

aBioPRYN™ has been shown to have an overall accuracy rate of 97 percent. In fact, the test is 99 percent accurate in detecting open cows, with only 1 percent showing false-open (false-negative). Correct open detection is very important because giving Lutalyse or other synchronizing drugs
to misdiagnosed pregnant cows will cause abortion. The false-pregnant (false-positive) rate for the test is approximately 5 percent. In practice, high-producing dairy cows tend to show slightly higher false-positive rates of 7 to 8 percent, especially during periods of extremely hot weather. It is presumed that a portion of this variance is due to higher early embryonic
death, and not to test inaccuracy.

How much does BioPRYN™ cost?

aThe test itself costs anywhere between $2.65 – $2.85 from the laboratory that processes it, plus the cost of a sample tube and needle. Shipping expenses also must be added if the tests are not processed
locally. Check out our prices page.

What are the advantages of using BioPRYN™ versus other methods of pregnancy diagnosis?

aProducers incur approximately the same or less cost using BioPRYN™ compared to rectal palpation by a veterinarian, and less cost  than ultrasound. It is also considerably less expensive than currently available on-farm diagnostic methods. BioPRYN™ allows producers to diagnose pregnancy at least seven days sooner than rectal palpation, with no risk of damaging the fetus. Cows diagnosed open can then be re-bred more quickly, resulting in tighter calving intervals, more calves born per year, and higher lifetime milk production (because cows achieve peak milk more often). The test is more convenient to dairies because on-farm personnel can draw and ship blood samples, rather than working around a veterinarian’s schedule. Eliminating rectal palpation also frees up the veterinarian to concentrate on higher-level issues with the dairy’s management team. No test is more accurate than BioPRYN™, and BioPRYN™ is more accurate than early palpation and at an earlier time. Thus, fewer cows are misdiagnosed (called open by mistake, and treated (and aborted) to initiate new reproductive cycles. This can amount to a
considerable savings in not having to re-establish a pregnancy, and by reducing
days open. In addition, money is saved by earlier re-establishment of pregnancy
in cows correctly detected as open; this also reduces days open.

How long does it take to receive the test results?

aThe test requires 27 hours from laboratory set-up to reporting. A report can be made for the next working day for samples arriving in the lab before noon. If samples are mailed by overnight carrier, add an
extra day to this schedule. Results are faxed or e-mailed back to the dairy.