
First to Test...Still the Best!

Our test is a safe, accurate, and easy alternative for confirming pregnancy in goats, sheep and cattle.


Equine Fecal Egg Count (FEC)

*Currently Limited To Equine Only*


Regular use of dewormers in your horse or herd can lead to parasite resistance to the few treatments available. FEC tests results can aid in determining the most effective treatments available. In return, it may show that your horse doesn’t need deworming, saving you time and money.

Version 1.0.0

Using Modified McMaster FEC Technique a report will be generated with EPG (Eggs Per Gram). This technique allows us to identify Strongyle, Ascarid, Anoplocephala, and Strongyloide eggs.


FEC sample submission only $20.00

FEC kit w/no postage $26.00

FEC kit w/ 1 way postage $32.50

FEC Kit w/ 2 way postage $39.00