
First to Test...Still the Best!

Our test is a safe, accurate, and easy alternative for confirming pregnancy in goats, sheep and cattle.


Our lab procedures deliver fast, accurate, safe and economical pregnancy diagnostic results

Lab Services

BioPRYN Quick Test

Same Day Results for Cattle, Sheep & Goat

Days Post Bred* — 28

Days Since Gestation — 73

Cost Per Sample — $3.25

Scheduled Run Days  — Mon-Fri (same day if received by 10:30AM)

CAE Goats & OPP Sheep

Thursday Results

Age* — 6 mo./older

Days Since Gestation — 73

Cost Per Sample — $6.00

Scheduled Run Days  — Thur (received by 10:30AM)

Johne’s ELISA Test

Monday Results for Cattle & Goats

Age* — Cattle 2-3 yr. old/Goats 6 mo./older

Cost Per Sample — $6.00

Scheduled Run Days  — Monday (received by 10:30AM)

Supplies & Pricing

Stamped mailers are 6×9 inch Tyvex envelopes that are addressed to Precision Diagnostics and are post marked for 1-20 samples. They are an easy and convenient way to ship blood samples. These are not included in the kits

Cow Kits

10 Cow Kit
$ 11 .
20 Cow Kit
$ 19 .
50 Cow Kit
$ 40 .
100 Cow Kit
$ 75 .

Goat/ Sheep Kits

10 Cow Kit
$ 11 .
20 Cow Kit
$ 19 .
50 Cow Kit
$ 40 .
100 Cow Kit
$ 75 .

Mailing Kits / Supplies

Stamped Mailer 1-20 Samples
Must be used with 60 days of purchase. Postage may be considered ``expired`` after 60 days and may not be honored by your local USPS location.
$ 6.50 .
Priority Mailer 1-32 Samples
Must be used with 60 days of purchase. Postage may be considered ``expired`` after 60 days and may not be honored by your local USPS location.
$ 9.25 .
Padded Envelope 1-20 Samples
Must be used with 60 days of purchase. Postage may be considered ``expired`` after 60 days and may not be honored by your local USPS location.
$ 6.75 .
Blood Sampling Apron
$ 32 .

To Order Supplies Contact Precision Diagnostics at  717-354-2178 or email pdlab@precisiond.com
Contact Precision Diagnostics with any questions or for further information.